SS 591:2013 Measurement of Central Chilled Water Systems PDF Download

SS 591:2013
SS 591:2013 – Code of Practice for Long-term Measurement of Central Chilled Water Systems is the Singapore Standard that provides guidelines and best practices for the long-term measurement of performance in central chilled water systems used in buildings. The standard aims to ensure accurate and consistent measurement of key parameters ...
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SS 555: 2018 Part 3 – Protection Against Lightning PDF Download

SS 555: 2018 Part 3
SS 555: 2018 Part 3 – Protection Against Lightning is a standard providing detailed guidelines and requirements for protecting structures and life from the effects of lightning. This part of the standard focuses on minimizing physical damage to buildings and other structures as well as reducing life hazards caused by ...
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Singapore Standard CP 38: Free Download PDF

Singapore Standard CP 38
The Singapore Standard CP 38: Code of Practice for Artificial Lighting in Buildings is an important guideline for ensuring appropriate lighting levels and building energy efficiency. Here is a detailed overview of what CP 38 encompasses: Overview of Singapore Standard CP 38 Purpose Singapore Code CP 38 provides comprehensive guidelines ...
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Plumbing Pipe Sizing Calculator Excel Free Download

Plumbing Pipe Sizing Calculator
Plumbing Pipe Sizing Calculator Note: 01. Enter Input Data. 02. Number of Fixture, Sink, SH, WC, UR, WB…etc… 03. If there is no fixture, enter zero. 04. The Output result will show “Flow Rate (GPM) & Pipe Size (mm Dia). For Example Calculation Number of Sink is 5. No. of ...
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