SS 591:2013 Measurement of Central Chilled Water Systems PDF Download

SS 591:2013 – Code of Practice for Long-term Measurement of Central Chilled Water Systems is the Singapore Standard that provides guidelines and best practices for the long-term measurement of performance in central chilled water systems used in buildings. The standard aims to ensure accurate and consistent measurement of key parameters to improve system efficiency, reliability, and overall performance.

Key Aspects of SS 591:2013

1. Scope and Application

  • Scope: This standard applies to the measurement and monitoring of central chilled water systems, covering aspects such as system performance, energy consumption, and operational efficiency.
  • Application: Relevant for commercial, industrial, and residential buildings that utilize central chilled water systems for air conditioning and cooling purposes.

Measurement Parameters

2. Key Measurement Parameters

  • Chilled Water Flow Rate: Measure the flow rate of chilled water through the system.
  • Temperature: Monitor the temperature of chilled water at various points, including supply and return temperatures.
  • Energy Consumption: Track the energy consumption of the chilled water system, including chiller energy use.

Measurement Equipment and Calibration

3. Measurement Equipment

  • Flow Meters: Use calibrated flow meters to accurately measure the flow rate of chilled water.
  • Temperature Sensors: Install accurate temperature sensors at key points to monitor water temperature.
  • Energy Meters: Utilize energy meters to measure the electrical consumption of chillers and associated equipment.

4. Calibration and Maintenance

  • Calibration: Regularly calibrate measurement instruments to ensure accuracy.
  • Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on measurement equipment to prevent drift and inaccuracies.

Data Collection and Analysis

5. Data Collection

  • Continuous Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring systems to collect real-time data on system performance.
  • Data Logging: Use data loggers to record measurements at regular intervals for long-term analysis.

6. Data Analysis

  • Performance Metrics: Analyze data to calculate key performance metrics such as Coefficient of Performance (COP), energy efficiency ratio (EER), and system load.
  • Trend Analysis: Perform trend analysis to identify patterns and anomalies in system performance.

Reporting and Documentation

7. Reporting Requirements

  • Regular Reports: Generate regular performance reports summarizing key metrics and findings.
  • Exception Reports: Produce exception reports highlighting any significant deviations from expected performance.

8. Documentation

  • Measurement Records: Maintain detailed records of all measurements, calibrations, and maintenance activities.
  • System Documentation: Keep comprehensive documentation of the chilled water system, including schematics, specifications, and operational procedures.

Compliance and Best Practices

9. Compliance

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that measurement practices comply with relevant local regulations and standards.
  • Industry Standards: Follow industry best practices for the measurement and monitoring of central chilled water systems.

10. Best Practices

  • Energy Efficiency: Implement measures to optimize the energy efficiency of the chilled water system.
  • System Optimization: Use measurement data to identify opportunities for system optimization and performance improvements.

Example Compliance Checklist

Flow Rate MeasurementContinuousUse calibrated flow meters to measure chilled water flow rate.
Temperature MonitoringContinuousMonitor supply and return water temperatures using sensors.
Energy Consumption TrackingContinuousMeasure the electrical consumption of chillers and equipment.
Calibration of InstrumentsAnnuallyCalibrate flow meters, temperature sensors, and energy meters.
Data LoggingContinuousRecord measurements at regular intervals for long-term analysis.
Performance ReportingMonthlyGenerate reports summarizing key performance metrics.
Maintenance of EquipmentQuarterlyPerform routine maintenance on measurement equipment.


SS 591:2013 provides detailed guidelines for the long-term measurement of central chilled water systems, focusing on accurate data collection, analysis, and reporting to improve system performance and energy efficiency. Adhering to this standard helps building managers and operators maintain reliable and efficient chilled water systems, ensuring optimal cooling performance. For comprehensive details and specific requirements, refer to the full SS 591:2013 document and consult with professionals experienced in HVAC system measurement and monitoring.

SS 591:2013

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