ft/s to m/s Converter

Ft/s to m/s convert, you need to use the conversion factor between these two units of speed:

1 foot = 0.3048 meters

Ft/s to m/s Converter Formula

To convert a speed value from ft/s to meter per second, use the following formula:


Example Conversion

Let’s say you want to convert 50 ft/s to m/s:

50 ft/s×0.3048=15.24 m/s50 ft/s×0.3048=15.24 m/s

Manual Conversion Steps

  1. Identify the value in ft/s: For instance, 50 ft/s.
  2. Multiply by the conversion factor: 50 ft/s ×× 0.3048 = 15.24 m/s.
  3. Round the result: Often, it’s practical to round the result to a reasonable number of decimal places, such as 15.24 m/s.

Practical Application

Here are some examples of how this conversion might be used:

  • Engineering Applications: Many industrial and mechanical systems specify speed in m/s, so converting from ft/s to m/s is essential for international work.
  • Sports: Running speeds and other athletic metrics are often measured in ft/s but might need to be converted to m/s for certain events or comparisons.
  • Scientific Research: Speed measurements in scientific research are often recorded in meters per second

Table for Quick Reference

ft/s to m/s converter

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Definition of Meters per Second (meter per second)

Meters per second is the SI unit of speed or velocity, representing the distance traveled in meters in one second. It is widely used in scientific and engineering contexts to express speeds and rates of movement.

Practical Uses of meter per second

  1. Physics and Engineering: It is used to describe velocities of moving objects, such as cars, planes, or any object in motion. For example, the speed of sound in air is approximately 343 meter per second.
  2. Meteorology: Wind speeds are often measured in meter per second to provide a standardized way of reporting and comparing wind speeds across different regions.
  3. Sports: In athletics, the speed of runners or the velocity of projectiles (e.g., in javelin throw) can be measured in meter per second.
  4. Everyday Applications: Pedestrian walking speeds and other everyday movements can also be described using this unit.

Converting to and from meter per second

To Kilometers per Hour (km/h)

To convert meter per second to km/h, you use the fact that 1 meter per second is equivalent to 3.6 km/h. The formula is:


To Miles per Hour (mph)

To convert m/s to mph, you use the conversion factor 1 m/s = 2.23694 mph. The formula is:


Example Conversions

  1. 10 m/s to km/h: 10 m/s×3.6=36 km/h10 m/s×3.6=36 km/h
  2. 5 m/s to mph: 5 m/s×2.23694=11.1847 mph5 m/s×2.23694=11.1847 mph

Conversion Formula from Other Units to meter per second

From Feet per Second (ft/s) to meter per second

The conversion factor is 1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s. The formula is:


From Kilometers per Hour (km/h) to meter per second

The conversion factor is 1 km/h = 0.27778 m/s. The formula is:


From Miles per Hour (mph) to meter per second

The conversion factor is 1 mph = 0.44704 m/s. The formula is:

meter per second=mph×0.44704m/s=mph×0.44704

Example Conversions

  1. 20 ft/s to m/s: 20 ft/s×0.3048=6.096 m/s20 ft/s×0.3048=6.096 meter per second
  2. 50 km/h to m/s: 50 km/h×0.27778=13.889 m/s50 km/h×0.27778=13.889 meter per second
  3. 30 mph to m/s: 30 mph×0.44704=13.4112 m/s30 mph×0.44704=13.4112 m/s

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