Chilled Water and Condenser Pipe Sizing Calculation Sheet

Notes : 

Upper limit of water velocity shall be 1.2m/s for diameter 50mm and smaller pipes.

Upper limit of pressure drop shall be 400Pa/m for diameter over 50mm pipes.

The velocity should not exceed 4.6m/s in any case.

Enter the Water Flowrate (L/s) or (L/min) in yellow color highlight.

Here is ASHRAE Pipe Sizing. If you use this calculation sheet, you can select the pipe size in a second.

Manual Pipe Sizing Table

Chilled Water and Condenser Pipe Sizing

Reference Pipe Loss Table

ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, publishes a variety of standards and guidelines related to HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems and energy efficiency. One of their publications, the ASHRAE Handbook, includes information on pipe losses.

In the ASHRAE Handbook, you can find tables and equations that provide guidance on calculating pipe losses due to friction, fittings, and other factors. These losses are important to consider when designing HVAC systems to ensure efficient operation.

To access specific information about pipe loss tables in the ASHRAE Handbook, you may need to obtain a copy of the relevant edition of the handbook. It’s typically available for purchase through the ASHRAE website or other technical book retailers. If you have a specific edition or section in mind, I can try to provide more detailed information.

These tables provide information on the pressure drop or loss that occurs as a fluid flows through pipes of different sizes, materials, and configurations. The pressure drop is influenced by factors such as pipe diameter, length, roughness, flow rate, and fluid properties.

To access specific pipe loss tables published by ASHRAE, you would typically refer to their handbooks or standards related to HVAC&R design and operation. These resources are commonly used by engineers, designers, and practitioners in the field to ensure the proper sizing and performance of piping systems.

If you need assistance finding or interpreting a specific ASHRAE pipe loss table, feel free to provide more details, and I’ll do my best to help!

Pipe Sizing Fraction Loss

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