CFM to L/s Converter

CFM to L/s Converter, you need to use the conversion factor between these two units of volumetric flow rate:

1 CFM = 0.4719474 L/s

Conversion Formula

To convert a flow rate value from CFM to L/s, use the following formula:


Example Conversion

Let’s say you want to convert 100 CFM to L/s:

100 CFM×0.4719474=47.19474 L/s100 CFM×0.4719474=47.19474 L/s

Manual Conversion Steps

  1. Identify the value in Cubic Feet per Minute: For instance, 100 CFM.
  2. Multiply by the conversion factor: 100 CFM ×× 0.4719474 = 47.19474 L/s.
  3. Round the result: Often, it’s practical to round the result to a reasonable number of decimal places, such as 47.19 L/s.

Practical Applications

Here are some examples of how this conversion might be used:

  • HVAC Systems: Engineers often need to convert air flow rates between different units when designing or evaluating heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
  • Environmental Engineering: Conversions may be necessary when dealing with pollution control equipment or measuring the flow rates of gases in environmental studies.
  • Industrial Processes: Many industrial processes involve the movement of air or gases, and accurate conversions between units like Cubic Feet per Minute and L/s are essential for process optimization.

Table for Quick Reference

CFM to L/s Converter

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